The OLC Team
Orange Leaf Consulting™ has the best people on the planet working for YOU! From in-depth analysis to personality research, and sales gurus to motivational coaching – we’ve got you covered.
Here’s the deal….there’s no silver bullet or magic wand to grow your business. The good news is that if you are willing to change (i.e. Do the work!) then you can grow your business.
I’ve been building, training and coaching high-performance sales teams for years and I’ve seen a little bit of everything! Over time, I saw many companies hire consultant after consultant while achieving marginal results. I wanted to change that, and we can—but it takes work on your behalf!
What I do is help you identify what you really want, what needs to change to get it and how to make the changes necessary for success. And I show you how to do my job. It’s that simple.
In fact, our process works so well, I wrote a book about it! It’s called Every Job is a Sales Job: How to Use the Art of Selling to Win at Work, scheduled for release in August 2019 by McGraw Hill Professional.
I hold a Doctorate Degree in Organizational Communication and a Master’s Degree in Marketing with an emphasis in Leadership and Ethics. Yes, I’m a doctor; no, I’m not going to look at that rash of yours.
Fun Facts about Cindy:
- Has a book, Every Job is a Sales Job, available now from McGraw-Hill!
- Has the world’s cutest dog named Biscuit (and she’s only slightly biased about it).
- Is a highly sought-after speaker and coach with expertise in Organizational Change, Conflict Resolution, Consultative Sales, Values-Based Selling, Communication, Management, Leadership, Sales Management, and Collective Bargaining.
- Never quite knows what time zone she’s in because she’s always flying all over the country to see her clients.
I specialize in Performance Management and Self-directed Work Teams. I hold a Ph.D. in Organizational Communication and have more than thirty years of experience in industry and corporations.
I hate to be a buzzkill, but if your associates are not communicating effectively and not doing what they should be doing, no well-honed processes or quality programs will be successful.
So, I work with your management, your self-directed work teams and workers at all levels in the organization, and we can focus on behavior. I teach you and your associates how to observe and analyze behavior allowing us to determine why workers are doing what they are doing or not doing what they should be doing.
Fun Facts about Daryl:
- An accomplished speaker, he has presented at national and international conferences…and also knows the answers to every conspiracy theory about mind control.
- Can whistle while chewing crackers.
- Used to be a university professor with lots of awards and distinctions. He taught management and organizational communication courses on both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
For about twenty years, I’ve been a research, communication and strategy professional. That’s a really fancy way of saying I teach people “how to get their people to do stuff.”
My research spans both qualitative and quantitative methods including survey design and implementation; focus group moderation; ethnographies; in-depth interviewing; social science experiments and quasi-experiments; and advanced quantitative analysis (e.g. ANOVA, regression and general linear modeling). Did you fall asleep just reading that? It’s exciting, I promise!
To date, I’ve conducted hundreds of projects and presentations about research, social marketing, organizational development and communication to clients ranging from international corporations and local nonprofit organizations to government agencies and higher education institutions.
Fun Facts about Tait:
- Won some of the industry’s most prestigious awards (including the Emmy®, Silver Anvil® and Gold Addy®). Like Grammy’s, only cooler.
- Holds a Ph.D. in Communication Theory and Research (emphasis in persuasion and cognitive processing). Basically, he can read your mind.
- Loves goat yoga (not really, but it’s a great visual)
Since college I’ve built a career helping people advance their careers or businesses and nothing is more critical to this work than self-knowledge and self-awareness. As a Behavioral Coach and Consultant, I rely heavily on tools like D.I.S.C. and “Values” Assessments.
Through the “portals” of Wolf Management Consultants, I joined Orange Leaf Consulting to provide Behavioral Assessment Products and Coaching Services. I earned a Master’s Degree in Communication at San Diego State University and, because I didn’t owe enough money in student loans yet, I added Certificates in Coaching, Behavioral Assessment and Human Resources Management to my fields of expertise.
Fun Facts about Jeffery:
- May or may not have a caffeine addiction. He can neither confirm nor deny…
- Is a Professor of Communication and highly sought-after Speaker and Coach (when he’s not saving the world through assessments).
- Can juggle – both tasks and fruit.