How many times do we see someone achieving something we’ve always dreamed of, and say to ourselves, “what a lucky guy/gal?”

snow winter wish


We can learn a lot of lessons from winter. There’s the beauty of winter’s early snowfalls, giving us a moment to pause and wonder. There’s the deeper spirit of giving …

The Wisdom of Your Inner Child

As you’re shopping for holiday gifts at the mall this season, take a few minutes to observe what’s going on in Santa’s workshop. What you’ll see and hear is kid …

change leaves

Look Up! The Leaves Are Changing!

Sometimes I’m asked about the origin of our company name, Orange Leaf Consulting. Well, there’s a definite thought behind it, and no, it doesn’t have anything to do with citrus …

Toss, Catch, and Pitch

You know, when it comes down to it, basic communication is a lot like playing a game of catch. You toss information, thoughts, ideas, and hope your intended target catches …

Beating the Coulda-Shoulda-Woulda Blues

Today, we’re going to talk about opportunities. Specifically, missed ones. Blown chances, dropped balls, easy misses. Chokes, miscues, and yes, even the occasional and dreaded “Epic Fail.” We’ve all had …

Don’t Forget the Phone

Have you talked to anyone under the age of 21 on a telephone lately? Well, first of all….you probably haven’t. And it may not be for lack of trying—those who …