
Cultivating growth 

Known for its friendly customer service, specialty products, and affordable prices, this California-based grocery chain has a cult-like following. Can you picture their Hawaiian shirts? Yeah, we’re talking about Trader …

Diverse thought Makes Strong Teams

Tough Love 

While February is the shortest month, it’s also the sweetest! Say what you will about Valentine’s Day, but we’ll take all the roses, candy, and extra love. But we have …

spooky ghost fear

Fall Fear Factor

At Orange Leaf Consulting, fall is our absolute favorite time of the year (you know, orange leaf and all…). We’re ready to pop in a spooky movie and cuddle up …

do something great

Random Acts of Awesomeness

As the summer season winds down and we’re bombarded by back-to-school ads, we’re giving you an A for being Awesome! Maybe you completed (or just signed up for) an online …

summer school

Summer School

Summer is the time of year when the days are longer. We spend more time outside and take family vacations. We also ponder the days when we were able to …

customer service hello


With the introduction of new tools like answering machines, recorded messages, faxed memos, and, eventually, email, the same cry went up from the same folks: “Depersonalization! I don’t want to talk to a machine, and neither do my customers!”

Toss, Catch, and Pitch

You know, when it comes down to it, basic communication is a lot like playing a game of catch. You toss information, thoughts, ideas, and hope your intended target catches …

Beating the Coulda-Shoulda-Woulda Blues

Today, we’re going to talk about opportunities. Specifically, missed ones. Blown chances, dropped balls, easy misses. Chokes, miscues, and yes, even the occasional and dreaded “Epic Fail.” We’ve all had …