Random Acts of Awesomeness

do something great

As the summer season winds down and we’re bombarded by back-to-school ads, we’re giving you an A for being Awesome! Maybe you completed (or just signed up for) an online course like “Embracing Your Inner Salesperson.” Maybe you successfully delegated tasks, cleared out your inbox or even increased profits. Whatever you accomplished this summer, we’re extending a virtual high-five and encouraging you to do the same for the people around you. Speaking of virtual, it seems like more of life is lived online these days. We love the convenience and ability to connect with people all around the world, but in our increasingly digital universe, the thing people are looking for most is community.

Let’s make up for lost time by practicing Random Acts of Awesomeness.

 Has anyone ever paid it forward by covering your Starbucks order in the drive-through line? Or held the elevator door open while you jogged down the hall with your hands full? Little random things like this bring the human connection back into our worlds. Turns out, we get more than just a fuzzy feeling when we’re kind to others–it’s a science. Studies show that being kind releases endorphins and has health benefits, like reducing stress, blood pressure and anxiety. So we invite you to seek out some opportunities to perform “Random Acts of Awesomeness August.”

Here’s a list of A-wesome opportunities to get started:
  • Appreciation: At Orange Leaf Consulting and Orange Leaf Academy, we incorporate gratitude into our methodology, regardless of hearing a yes, no or maybe. We appreciate your time, we appreciate your consideration, we appreciate the phone call instead of an email, and we appreciate you working overtime to meet a deadline. Letting people know your appreciation makes them feel valued and builds trust in your relationship. 
  • Achievement: We celebrate everything, even the little things! (Check out how in this blog.) Maybe someone earned a new certification, broke their sales record from the previous month or brought in a new customer or tried something new. Recognizing achievements and efforts adds to a positive company culture and keeps people feeling inspired and motivated. 
  • Ambition: Does someone on your team set big goals for themselves (and has a plan to reach them, of course!)? Maybe they are brave enough to try something new. Or that person is willing to fail forward in order to grow. Acknowledging someone for their ambition with an act of awesomeness is encouraging and incentives them to keep going. 
  • Accountability: You are more likely to reach a goal when you hold yourself accountable, especially if you choose an accountability partner to keep you honest. We believe in 360-degree accountability and welcome it from all sides.
  • Admiration: We are big fans of kindness over here, and we believe in throwing it around like confetti. So often, we silently admire others and don’t tell them what effect they have on us. How are you showing others that you are a fan of theirs and the things they do? Tell people what you admire in them, whether it is their sense of style, business card or personality.  
  • Amusement: The work you do is incredibly important, but we urge you not to take yourselves too seriously. It’s okay to have FUN at work–it actually makes your team bond and stimulates creativity. Things like celebrating birthdays and work milestones, team lunches, theme days or playing a game of trivia can break up the monotony of the workday and brighten up the day with humor. 
  • Amplify: If you like something, share it! Good things shouldn’t be a secret. Did you finish a great book? Take 5 minutes and leave a review. (We’d certainly appreciate a review for Sell Yourself!) Fill out a survey about a recent experience. Fill it out! Something that takes little to no time out of your day can make someone else’s.

So, what do these Random Acts of Awesomeness look like? Don’t overthink–it can be as simple as a $5 coffee gift card. Don’t have the budget? Not a problem! A Random Act of Awesomeness can be FREE, our favorite number.

Here’s a list of ways to incorporate Random Acts of Awesomeness:
  • Send a weekly recognition email highlighting achievements of the week
  • Give someone a (non-physical) compliment (you’re a great listener, you have great energy, I appreciate your generosity)
  • Leave a motivational sticky note on someone’s desk
  • Acknowledge a trait in someone that you admire and tell them why
  • Invite someone you don’t know well to sit with you at lunch
  • Fill out an online review
  • Leave a LinkedIn recommendation 
  • Bring in treats for the team
  • Gift someone a personal development class (here are some to choose from!)

Being awesome doesn’t take a lot of effort but has incredible benefits for employee morale and retention. According to Gallup research, recognition at work improves employee mental health, like preventing burnout. Even something as small as telling a stranger you like their outfit can turn a bad day into a better one–don’t hold in compliments!

Everyone is going through something.

Now more than ever, it’s crucial to let people know how much they mean to you. We say it all the time, nobody does this life alone. Saying a simple thank you can go a long way, but showing it goes even further. So, this August, we encourage and challenge you to make the world a happier place by performing some random acts of awesomeness. And when you do, please brighten our day by sharing your stories with us!

Stay awesome and GROW BIG OR GO HOME!