do something great

Random Acts of Awesomeness

As the summer season winds down and we’re bombarded by back-to-school ads, we’re giving you an A for being Awesome! Maybe you completed (or just signed up for) an online …

summer school

Summer School

Summer is the time of year when the days are longer. We spend more time outside and take family vacations. We also ponder the days when we were able to …

celebrate big or go home

Celebrate All the Wins!

Celebrate All the Wins! This is the season for all sorts of big celebrations! We are about to head into graduation season and wedding season, then Mother’s Day, Father’s Day …

spring training basic skills

Spring Training is for Everyone

Spring has sprung! And you might be feeling a renewed sense of energy with the plants coming back to life, brighter sunshine and warmer air. But Spring can also be …

power skill


When you hear the phrase “power skills,” what comes to mind? Your mind might wander to all the home improvement projects that you’re planning for Spring and the tools you …

February is the perfect time to show them something we’ve said many times in our coaching sessions with clients: “Good Leaders C.A.R.E.”

Good Leaders C.A.R.E.

Well, it’s February, and love is in the air. Or at least in the corner drug store—heart-shaped boxes of chocolates have been crowding the shelves since the day after New …