Do you ever feel like the events of your life are controlling you, instead of the other way around? There was someone in history who made a statement to that effect. He faced a number of failures, which included losing his job, failing in business ventures, being defeated on the political front more than half a dozen times over a period of twenty-five years. He lost his sweetheart and his mental health. It is no wonder he wrote in a letter to a friend, “I claim not to have controlled events, but confess plainly that events have controlled me.”
Oh, by the way, he was also one of the most highly respected and cherished presidents of all time, Abraham Lincoln. In fact, a recent survey rated him as the “greatest president.” (Washington came as a close second.) Events might have controlled Lincoln time and again, but he persisted, and his persistence and fortitude made all the difference.
It made him a winner, and a leader worthy of following.
Whether the events of your life seem to be a deck stacked against you, remember that what is within you is far more important than what might surround you at the moment. Whether you’re responsible for ten, a hundred, or a thousand people, decide that you will be known for your fortitude, your persistence, and your determination to never quit.
Winners never quit. Be a winner, and you will empower your team to be winners too.
Grow Big or Go Home!